Our Rules

Our Philsophy

We believe if you build real relationships the business will come. Make genuine friendships, don't try to sell, and let folks get to know, like, and trust you. Read More

Absolutely NO SPAM

Do not add FANG members to your CRMs, newsletters, cold-call lists, or marketing databases without their explicit permission. (And checking a box on your TOS doesn't count).

If you're reported as a spammer, you will be asked to remove our members from your list. If it continues, you'll be removed from our group.


Please remember to RSVP for our events.

RSVPs show others that our group active and well-attended. This attracts more business owners to attend, and that means more opportunities for you to build relationships and earn referrals.

RSVPs also help us manage attendance and our wait list. Before COVID, we were getting 40 people to attend regularly and we want to make sure everybody who comes has a seat.

Tip the Wait Staff

If you order food (and we encourage you to do so), please remember to leave an appropriate gratuity.